

residential window tinting

How Can Window Film Used in Movie and TV Production

By Blog, Window Tinting No Comments

Matrix, Mission Impossible, and The Dark Knight movies are some of the best movies that have incredibly amazing window scenes that were being shown in the big picture. It just shows how important house window tintings are in a home or commercial building (not to mention how cool they are when someone is jumping off them via a skyscraper). In the Mission Impossible movie, scenes are quite epic as high suspense, daring feats of strength and mirrored reflections added another level of beauty to each shot. This famous scene was on top of Burj Khalifa Tower in Dubai and was quite expertly shot and cinematically beautiful.


Our eyes are a remarkable thing with our brain working in concert, we perceive colors in their true form regardless of the lighting around us, provided that there is enough light to see colors at all. A clean white paper would look white whether you are holding it in a sunlit field, out on a dark, cloudy day or whether the paper is sitting on the desk of an office lit by fluorescent lights or on a kitchen table lit by warm incandescent bulbs. When it comes to using a camera to film or video, the same sheet of paper in all those locations would see those different variations on the screen later which is the same true for the skin tone of actors or models during commercial production. What’s the point? Window film can help keep the colors looking true.


Since cameras are not as advanced as the human eye and brain, filmmakers, videographers, and photographers have to help them out by taking control of the lighting of the shoot location. One way to control the lighting effects is to apply the right window films, usually called gels in the production world. Without window film and gels on the lights, the exterior may end up looking blown out and oddly blue and the interior may look strangely orange,  and the shot may be too dark. It will look neither natural nor good at all.


House window tinting can help with more than the basic color temperature blue versus orange residential window tinting dilemma. Here are some window films that will solve your lighting issue. 

  1. Fluorescent Lighting Gels – Specialty gels such as minus green and plus green gels, are used to either mitigate the green cast of fluorescent light or to add the same shade to tungsten lights or natural lighting, ensuring your shot is even. This is helpful when shooting in large locations lit by multiple fluorescent lights that would require a great time.
  2. Neutral Density Films – If you need to cut down the brightness of a window or a light, using a neutral density gel can remove brightness without changing the color temperature of the light source. Residential window tinting companies can source neutral density gels that remove as little as half a stop or up to several full stops.
  3. Diffusion Gels / Frost Window Film – If a light is to direct, like a sunbeam falling across your scene in a certain way, frost window films can diffuse the light while still letting its brightness help your lighting scheme.


house window tinting

Hack 101: How to Create a Secret Hideaway Through Window Films

By Blog

You probably saw many movies with hidden rooms or secret hiding places behind a bookshelf or a wall with a hidden door or window. It’s cool, right? Having a room like that in your home will make you feel like you’re in a spy movie or a thriller film. Well, in reality, you probably just want a secret room to hide your stash of junk food and alcohol that your wife doesn’t want you to eat and drink. Or you probably want a room where you can have a quiet moment to read a book or enjoy browsing your phone with no distractions from your kids. 

Whether you want hidden storage or a place to hang out, building a secret room can be both fun and useful. The first thing you need to consider when building your secret room is what vision you have for this room and the space you intend to build. First, ask yourself if the purpose of your secret room will serve you and your household. Will this be located in a private area and will only be accessible to you? Do you want this in the living room but completely hidden? Define the vision you want for this room.

When you have a vision for the room, contemplate where you want to build your secret room and think about how much space is available for you to work on. If you think you need more space, consider your budget first and if the benefits will outweigh the cost. Keep in mind that the budget will depend on the size, design, and overall theme of the room. 

The most difficult part of building a secret room is choosing where to put it. The location is also a big factor in keeping the space a secret and how the room will come out. If you are thinking of where to put your secret room, there are a few options that you can choose from. If your basement is unused and not frequented by guests, it could be an ideal place for your secret room. As basements are usually huge in size, putting up a wall where your secret room will be located could make it more exciting and the rest of the basement could be used for other purposes as well. A residential window tinting expert could get your basement window to be a one-way mirror that can provide the ultimate privacy to your secret room.

Putting your secret room behind a bookshelf is a classic way to get that spy drama vibe. And just like in the movies, you can put invisible hinges on the bookshelf and use it as the secret door to the room. Another location that could give you that Harry Potter vibe is inside a closet under the stairway. If you don’t have that, closet space in a far corner of your home would be ideal. 

If you want a clever and unique idea for a secret room, why not consider putting it behind a window that looks to be a solid wall? You might ask, how is that possible? The answer is window film. House window tinting is a great way to hide a room behind a wall and make it look as if it’s just a solid wall. A customized window film that goes well with your wall could be the answer to your secret room goals. Ask residential window tinting experts that can help you with your house window tinting needs.


How to Choose Windows for Winter in OKC

How to Choose Windows for Winter in OKC

By Blog, Residential Window Tinting

It’s winter and when you are planning to put up your dream house or even renovate your home, there are a lot of things to consider. One of these things that we overlooked most of the time is the house window tinting

When living in a cold climate, choosing the right residential window tinting can make your house more comfortable and save you money on your energy bills every month. In this article, we will be talking about what to look for and how to pick the best cold-weather windows for your home. But first, why do windows matter in cold climates? Well, windows that are not equipped for cold climates cannot properly keep heat in and cold air out. In other words, it means that the HVAC system has to work harder, making it difficult to keep your home at a comfortable temperature. Since the heater has to work harder, your energy bills will be higher than they should be. Energy efficiency is the term when we talk about choosing windows for colder climates because the more energy efficient the windows are, the more comfortable your home will be and the more money you’ll save each month. 

How to choose cold weather windows

Windows can be divided into two main parts – the window itself and the frame. Both are important to consider when looking for windows for cold weather climates.

Choosing the window frames for cold climates

Frames are important when it comes to windows. The window frame is often where the most heat escapes and it’s important to make sure they are in good condition and made of the right material. There are three parts of the frame that air usually escapes. They are the sash, the sill, and the perimeter. 

The sash is the portion that fits inside the frame and moves up and down (or side to side). There are two sashes on a double-hung window. Most of us are familiar with the window sill, the bottom part of the window and as you may be able to guess, the perimeter runs the entire edge of the window. These are areas where air can seep in or out, so it’s important to ensure your window frame is made of the right material and properly installed. Although no window frame can ever be perfect, there shouldn’t be a noticeable amount of cold air coming in.

For cold climates, choose windows with house window tinting that have wood, vinyl, fiberglass, or composite frames.  Wood with vinyl cladding is ideal since it will hold heat best and the vinyl will protect the wood. Vinyl and fiberglass frames on the other hand are also great, although fiberglass can be more expensive than vinyl and wood. Whichever you choose, remember that skip the aluminum window frames since aluminum doesn’t hold heat very well and it’s the worst choice for cold climates. 

Choosing glass for cold weather windows

When it comes to the window itself, avoid single-pane windows as these don’t hold in heat well enough for cold climates. You can also check residential window tinting to add protection to your windows. For cold climates, it is better to opt for double or triple-pane windows. Double and triple-pane windows can be insulated with argon or krypton, both of which are dense gasses, making them better insulators than air. It is an odorless, nonreactive gas that is extremely high density and has low thermal conductivity. All of this results in superior insulation for year-round comfort. 

residential window tinting

Reasons to Get Your Home’s Windows Tinted in OKC

By Blog, Residential Window Tinting

Tinted windows on autos are a familiar sight. However, did you know that you may tint your home’s windows as well? You might be surprised to learn that house window tinting has a lot of important advantages.

For instance, it keeps your home cooler so you can spend less money on air conditioning. Additionally, it may raise the curb attractiveness of your house, its worth, and even your health.

We’ve provided 3 strong reasons for contacting a residential window tinting company below. Learn more about them by reading on.

1. Improved Privacy

There are several privacy options available if you don’t want people from the outside peering in through your windows. The greatest option is, however, house window tinting.

The reason for this is that the majority of solutions that prevent intruders from peeping also prevent you from seeing outside. It doesn’t happen with tinted windows.

But you’re free to select a fancy tinting scheme that does obscure your vision. You may decide on a pattern that has artistic designs or a stained-glass look, for example.

2. Comfort/Convenience

Does your house get a lot of glare sometimes during the day? Some folks get really painful headaches as a result. Additionally, it can sun-bleach the color out of your furniture, floor, and walls.

However, house window tinting is equivalent to covering each one with a pair of sunglasses. You may set the lights as dark as you like while still feeling comfortable. In other words, you select the precise tint before the film is applied.

As with curtains and blinds, you never have to change the shade level. In addition, various window shading options frequently permit a little amount of sunlight to pass through.

This causes obtrusive, blinding patches of light to appear throughout your house.

3. On hot days, it lowers the temperature

The amount of sunshine entering your home via the windows may significantly heat it up. Some homes really become so heated in this manner that their air conditioners are unable to keep them cool.

Additionally, even if your air conditioner is strong enough, it will run nonstop. This will eventually totally wear down your AC, not to mention how it will affect your monthly energy costs.

Fortunately, residential window tinting will considerably lower your home’s temperature. Similar to how a windshield shade that you may use to keep your car cool functions, this does the same thing.

Unfiltered sunlight may also heat up some parts of your home more than others. This may also make it challenging to operate your HVAC system effectively. 

In Conclusion

Your home will consume less energy as a result of running your AC less frequently and staying considerably cooler. Additionally, your tinted windows may even provide improved winter insulation due to their increased thickness.

Tinted windows can help your home use less energy, regardless of the weather outside.

In need of Residential Window Tinting Services? Dial Us at Oklahoma Window Films Right Away and our experts will take care of all your window tinting requirements.

residential window tinting

How Residential Window Tints Can Improve Your Home Exterior

By Blog, Commercial Window Tinting, Window Tinting

When you first see a picture of how the outside of your home looks, it can be almost impossible to imagine what kind of transformation could happen if you put a little bit of investment into some residential window tinting. Learn how window tints can improve the exterior appearance of your home!

Adds a touch of color to your home.

Residential window tinting can add a touch of color to your home exterior, giving it a new look. You can select from a variety of colors, depending on your personal preference. Window tints can also improve your home’s energy efficiency by reducing the amount of sunlight that enters your home.

It provides a touch of style.

By adding different window tints, you can create a unique look for your home that will make it more appealing to potential buyers. Decorative window films with frost or burgundy tints give residential properties a more upscale look. Depending on the type of window tint you choose, it may also enhance your home’s architectural design.

It gives a more private look.

Window tints can also help reduce unwanted stares from passersby out on the road. On the outside, window tints can provide a virtually invisible privacy benefit. But while used primarily for privacy and security purposes, it can also provide a more attractive look.

House window tinting can help improve the security of your home by making it harder for criminals to see into your home. Criminals may be deterred from trying to break in if they know that they will not be able to see what is happening inside the home.

Mirror films can reflect the green surroundings.

If you live in an area surrounded by lush vegetation and trees, having mirror window films can reflect this beauty and make your home more pleasant, especially in the warm months. Mirror films are not only beneficial to the environment, but they also enhance home aesthetics and appearances. If you want your home to blend in with nature, mirror films would make your home look like it is one with nature.

It is an economical way to transform your home with an upscale look.

Residential homes with window tints look upscale and contemporary. They add value to your home and can be an excellent addition to the curb appeal. If you have plans on selling your home soon, adding a window tint would be a wise financial decision. Curb appeal is key to selling your property. Your house windows are areas that prospective buyers will immediately see. 


We all know the benefits of window tints for our home’s interior, but window tints also provide several aesthetic benefits for our home exterior. If you’re looking to improve the look of your home exterior, consider house window tinting. Window tinting is an investment in your home that will pay dividends in the future. Make sure to work with a reliable window tinting company that can help you find the right window tints that suit your home’s exterior.


residential window tinting

Ways To Secure Your Home Windows

By Blog, Privacy Window Tinting, Residential Window Tinting

Having secured windows also means being protected from intruders and peeping neighbors. If you still have the average window, it’s time to consider residential window tinting. In addition, we will give you more tips on how to secure your home windows. 

1. Lock your windows

This is the most prominent and easiest way to secure your windows, but when was the last time you checked the condition of your window locks? With the changing weather, the wood in a window frame can expand and wrap, pushing the glass slightly out of the frame and rendering the traditional crescent-shaped sash locks on single and double windows useless. Start by replacing any old broken locks and ensuring that they remain locked when the window is closed. Sometimes even if the locks are functioning properly, there are plenty of inexpensive, aftermarket locks you can add to secure your windows further. Pin locks will prevent intruders from lifting a window sash and hinged wedge locks can prevent double-hung windows from being opened in either direction.

2. Install window bars

Window barriers like bars, grates, or mesh could prevent entry if the window is smashed. Check your local fire code before installing window security bars as you may need to keep the window available in a potential fire exit. You can check with house window tinting companies about protective bars so they would complement your tint shade. 

3. Improve your outdoor lighting

A few well-placed outdoor lighting fixtures can deter potential intruders because simple floodlights can ensure that someone attempting to enter through a window has nowhere to hide if caught. If you are always bothered by bright lights outside your home all night, consider a motion-activated security light. You can also invest in a smart motion sensor light that sends an alert to your phone when activated.

4. Use DIY home security devices

If you got more time and don’t need entire smart home security to give your windows a little extra protection, you can still install your own window sensors using DIY home security devices to make sure you are alerted to any break-in attempts. You can do it by yourself even without professional monitoring.

5. Choose a professionally-monitored security system

The good news is that many home security companies offer varying levels of protection, from basic door and window sensors to smart HD security cameras with facial recognition. So if you want things to be smooth, you can also consider this.

6. Get a professionally installed house window tinting

If you want to add peace of mind while you are at home, you can install residential window tinting. Not only that it will protect you from UV rays, but it will also give you privacy as people from outside won’t see the happenings inside your house. Home window tinting in addition can turn your house into a much safer and more comfortable place to live. You can always consider it to protect you and your family.  

The benefits of securing your windows include increased safety for you and your family, increased security for your possessions, and most of all, peace of mind. There’s always a way when it comes to ensuring your windows from unwanted visitors. 

house window tinting

5 Essential Tips to Maintain Your Residential Window Tinting

By Blog, Residential Window Tinting

When it comes to your windows, there are many different types of residential window tinting available to protect them from outside elements. These window films not only keep prying eyes from seeing inside but can also reduce heat loss or gain so that you stay cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter. Make sure you take care of your tinting by following these five easy tips.

Check the condition of your windows regularly

This is important because a film that works well on one window might not be right for the rest of your home. If you notice that you are getting a lot of moisture or dirt on your film, you will want to clean your windows more often to prevent them from getting damaged. Also, you want to make sure that your window frames are not broken.

Get a thorough inspection and cleaning every year

House window tinting can become dirty or damaged much faster than you might realize. It doesn’t take long at all for dirt or dust to collect on a film. This can cause streaking or a loss of clear vision. And even if the film looks clean, it doesn’t mean that it is clean. So, you’ll want to be sure that the cleaning process is thorough. 

Avoid ammonia-based cleaners

Ammonia-based cleaners are great for cleaning hard surfaces, but they will damage the surface of a window film. They can also cause fading. Instead, you can choose a mild glass cleaner that is designed specifically for window films. This will help you to keep the effectiveness and longevity of your window films. Make sure to check the label of your glass cleaner if it contains ammonia as it can be dangerous to mix it with other common house cleaning products.

Use a soft cloth or sponge when wiping the surface

You want to be sure that you are using a soft cloth or sponge when you are cleaning your windows to avoid scratching the surface. Over time, small scratches can reduce the effectiveness of the window tints. Using a soft cloth designed specifically for window films will also help to keep your glass clean for a longer period. 

Don’t skimp when it comes to installation

You will want to make sure that the installation of your residential window tinting is done properly. A poorly installed film will not only be a safety hazard, but it will also quickly show signs of wear and tear because it is not as durable as it could be. You’ll want to make sure that the installer uses the proper installation techniques. This means cutting the film to the right length and then installing it with the proper pressure. 

Protect your investment

Getting window tints for your windows is an investment which is why it’s important to protect them. When the need for window films arises, it is wise to seek the services of a professional company that can assist you in choosing the right house window tinting for your needs. Be sure to follow these tips to help you take good care of your window tinting. This will help you to keep it looking good and working properly for a long time.

If you are looking for a stylish solution for privacy, a frosted window film for bathroom can be a worthwhile investment for your home.

How Frosted Window Films Can Improve Your Home

By Blog, Privacy Window Tinting, Residential Window Tinting, Window Tinting

If you have been looking for a way to add a beautiful, decorative touch to your windows, look no further than a frosted window film. It adds an extra layer of style and sophistication to your home, making it feel more welcoming and inviting. A frosted window film is a great way to enhance your home’s beauty, and it is one of the best ways to add a unique, modern look to your home without spending a lot of money.

Here are some of the reasons why adding a frosted window film to your home is a good idea.

Improve energy efficiency

Adding frosted window film to your home can help to reduce your energy bills, by keeping your home cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter. A window film is a smart technology used in existing buildings to save energy. They can give you up to 43% of energy savings when you apply them to your home windows!

A stylish solution for privacy

If you have a glass door and install a frosted window film for the front door, it can give the appearance of a frosty winter morning. At the same time, your neighbors or passersby can’t easily peek into your windows. It is a stylish solution that can provide your home with a little shade or complete privacy from the outside. You can also find a wide range of frosted window film for front door designs that will provide your home with a polished appearance.

They can help you save space

One not-so-known benefit of a frosted window film is that it can help you save space by replacing the traditional curtain or other privacy items. For example, if you have glass partitions in your bathroom or shower, you do not have to get a shower curtain or shutters to add privacy. You can save space by simply installing a frosted window film for the bathroom. On top of that, a frosted window film for the bathroom can offer a natural source of light and warmth.

Reduces glare

Adding a frosted window film to your home will still fill your home with natural light but it significantly reduces glare which can be detrimental to your eye health. Window films can eliminate a significant amount of sunlight inside your home which helps to see the view outside with more comfort.

They can help improve the value of your home

If you are looking to sell your home, adding a frosted window film can help increase its value. Because of the energy efficiency and privacy it provides, you can rest easy that homebuyers will greatly consider this feature in your home.


There are a wide variety of window film choices available so make sure to find the best one that meets your specific needs. They come in different colors, shading, and performance options. Whether you are looking to improve the value of your home or looking for a stylish solution for privacy, frosted window films can be a worthwhile investment for your home.

commercial window tinting

What to Look For When Picking A Commercial Window Tinting Firm

By Blog, Commercial Window Tinting

Are you unsure how to select the best commercial window tinting service? 

Worry no more! We’ll talk about some practical searching tips in this blog on what to look for when choosing a commercial window tinting company

There are various reasons why you should use a storefront window tinting Oklahoma company like Oklahoma City Window Film to tint your windows.

You, your employees, and your bottom line all benefit from window tinting.

The question isn’t whether you should tint your windows, but rather what to look for in a window tinting company. It’s critical to choose a provider you can rely on and that meets your requirements.

There are a few things you can do to ensure that a commercial window tinting service is reliable. Continue reading to learn about the telltale indicators of a quality window tinting business.

Years of Experience in the Field

Checking how long a window tinting company has been in business is a simple method to evaluate them. A firm that produces terrible work is unlikely to stay long; on the other hand, a successful firm is likely to last a long time.

If your potential provider has been in operation for some years, you may be confident that they are trustworthy.

This isn’t a foolproof method. Sometimes a bad business survives because it has no competition; other times, a brand-new firm succeeds because it hasn’t yet established itself. However, double-checking never hurts. 

A Positive Reputation

This one may appear apparent, yet that does not diminish its significance. Make sure you research the reputation of the company you’re considering employing.

Customer evaluations are the simplest method to learn about a company’s reputation. However, that isn’t the only action you should do. There are several different methods for determining a company’s reliability.

This can also be accomplished through local word-of-mouth. If you know someone who has used a service, inquire about their experience.

A Dependable Warranty

One method to know if you’re dealing with a good window film is to check for a warranty. A manufacturer’s warranty is available on many high-quality films.

A warranty indicates that a corporation believes in its own products. A corporation that refuses to provide a warranty appears to be suspect. A solid guarantee also provides you with peace of mind.

Collecting Cost Estimates

Getting a quote is an important part of the window tinting procedure. In-person estimates are preferred since they allow the window tint expert to identify the appropriate type of tint for your building.

An estimate is useful for more than simply cost estimation. It’s also a chance to learn more about your alternatives and there are quite a few when it comes to tinting. 

It’s also an opportunity to meet potential employees. It’s crucial to make a good first impression, so pay attention to how the representative you’re speaking with acts.

You Can Rely On Our Window Tinting

Commercial window tinting has several advantages, but selecting the correct provider can be tricky. To ensure you’ve selected a reputable window tinting company, follow the some pointers listed above. 

You may also contact Oklahoma City Window Film, the storefront window tinting Oklahoma firm, for your commercial window tinting needs.

house window tinting

How Long Does Window Film Last? A Comprehensive Guide

By Blog, Window Tinting

Homeowners can take advantage of architecture house window tinting for a number of reasons, including reduced heat gain and glare, energy savings, and enhanced security. For many homeowners seeking a window film installation, calculating the life duration might be a critical decision factor. So, how long will window tint systems survive and work as well as they do now? While the precise timetable is dependent on a few things, you’ll be able to enjoy your window treatment for many years with a little upkeep.

Factors That could affect Window Film Durability

Quality house window tinting may survive for as long as you own your house in the correct conditions. Many homes have had their window tinting systems for 20 years or more. We’ve included a few elements that might affect how long the film lasts on your windows in this post.

Quality of materials

High-end window films, such as the sun blocking window film for homes created by Oklahoma City Window Film, are made using the finest dyes, adhesives, and laminates available. Extruded dyes and metal deposits, as well as UV-blocking polyester, lengthen the life of a window tint and inhibit fading. Within a few months, a lower-quality film may begin to exhibit indications of fading.

Local weather

Over time, extreme heat, wind, and other weather conditions can wear down your window film. Meanwhile, window tinting coatings can fade, albeit slowly, when exposed to sunshine. If you live in a colder, gentler area, your window films may last longer than if you dwell in the Southern heat.

The actual windows

Since they absorb less direct sunlight, windows on the north and south sides of your home may outlive those on the east and west. However, the current state of your glass may have an impact on the film’s longevity. An older window with greater wear and tear may not give the adhesives with a smooth, level surface.

Installation quality

Learning effective window film application techniques needs months of experience. A professional will apply the product with great care to provide a smooth, bubble-free finish. They’ll make absolutely sure the film is well adhered to the window’s surface to prevent it from peeling. 

They’ll put up the product when the weather cooperates, allowing the adhesive to set correctly. A competent installation can also assist you on which product is ideal for you. They may prescribe films with higher UV protection, a sun blocking window film for homes, or a deeper tint if your windows will be in direct sunlight, for example.

Signs That It’s Time to Replace Your Window Film

Maybe you already have tinting and are not really sure if it’s at the end of its useful life. If you observe any of the following conditions, it may well be time to change your window tinting:

  • Fading
  • Discoloration 
  • Bubbles
  • Cracking
  • Peeling 


Window film is a great way to improve the look and feel of your home, and it can last for many years if it’s installed and maintained properly. If you’re interested in window film, be sure to contact us today! We’ll be happy to answer any of your questions and help you choose the right film for your needs.